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Stephanie Zavilla has served as the Director of Sports Performance at the Winter Park Competition Center for 7 years, supervising Strength and Conditioning, Sport Psychology, Injury Management, Sports Nutrition, and Return-to-Sport Programming. After earning a double major in Psychology and History with a minor in Coaching from the University of South Dakota, while playing four years with the school’s NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Team, she went on to receive her Masters in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Professional Psychology in 2013. Currently, she is an adjunct faculty at her alma mater.

Stephanie has worked as consultant for a myriad of sports and organizations on both a group and individual basis. She has experience in football, baseball, basketball, soccer, hockey, exercise endurance, lacrosse, figure skating, tennis, skiing, snowboarding, Paralympic skiing, and gymnastics, working with athletes ranging from those who are just beginning their recreational sport careers to those who are competing at the international, professional, or Olympic level. She has served as the sport psychology consultant for an NFL Combine Preparation Camp for several years. Most recently she has accepted a position working with tactical and high risk populations. A certified consultant for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Stephanie has spoken at several regional and national conferences on her work in heart rate variability biofeedback, and has authored several peer reviewed articles, featuring her research in the parent-athlete relationship. Most recently she has co-authored a graduate-level textbook chapter on the psychophysiology of self-regulation.

Stephanie’s philosophy revolves around the idea that simply by being aware, being present, and being in love with what you do, freedom will follow; freedom from judgmental thoughts, freedom from the constraints of internal and external pressures, resulting in freedom of movement, and the opportunity to step beyond perceived limits.



  • Confidence

  • Self Motivation

  • Overcoming Obstacles

  • Handling Pressure

  • Self-Talk

  • Imagery

  • Visualization
  • Team Training