Measure What Matters…


Pitching tracking technology, like Trackman, allows FAST instructors the ability to measure and verify important metrics like velocity, spin rate, spin efficiency and ball movement profiles in order to train our athlete to perfect the art of pitching, improve pitch quality and create consistent proven results. Our staff are experienced and knowledgable about the data collected and, most importantly, being able to utilize that data in player development.


Movement Matters...

It does not make sense to stack disfunction on top of disfunction. If an athlete lacks mobility or stability, it affects how efficiently their bodies will move to deliver a pitch. Each athlete goes through a test/retest session to identify movement issues that may be hampering their ability to throw strikes or gain velocity. Based on this screening FAST instructors can prescribe additional movement/mobility exercises into each athletes warm up routine to begin to correct and optimize pitching ability.


All Your Data, In One Spot...

Every athlete at FAST gets a customized workout plan available at their fingertips or on their computer. With TRAQ, players will know what they have to do, when they have to do it, how many sets, and how many reps they must perform in order to see the results they want. Additionally TRAQ offers the ability for players to collect all their data in one place for ease of use in the college recruiting process. Upload videos, chat with your trainer and visualization tools make TRAQ the ultimate facility software.


Biomechanics In Your Pocket...

PitchAI offers industry leading markerless biomechanics insight that helps FAST instructors gain insight to body positioning, acceleration forces and kinetic chain sequencing. With this data, players will know how their body are moving, in what order they are moving in and how to correct any issues with prescribed development drills.