Sports performance today has a wide array of angles to take. Injury prevention, speed, explosive power, and recruiting. Every athlete should be training to become bigger, stronger, and faster.

Injury Prevention & Athletic Growth

Training just to “not get hurt” can limit peak performance levels. Injuries can simply happen unless the athlete trains to be more resilient in adapting to the demands of their environment.

Training an athlete to have “injury resilience” is making them less susceptible to injury through the way they train. Making an athlete less susceptible to injury through a combination of movement analysis, sport demand, injury history, and pre-habilitation.

Simple interventions through:

  • Balance Skills
  • Trunk Stability
  • Joint Mobility and Stability Patterns
  • Proper Warm-Up Skills
  • Soft-Tissue Recovery

are all used to increase peak performance.

Whether you are coming off an injury or just want to reach your peak as an athlete, these methods will help bulletproof the body and mind.

Recruiting Realities

When it comes to recruiting potential college athletes, off-field performance can and will come into play. How high an athlete can jump, how fast they are able to run, and how strong they are can be a direct reflection of how they will compete at the college ranks.

Understanding the recruiting demands from college coaches in each sport takes experience. This knowledge can help with what coaches will want to see from each individual athlete. Athlete recruiting videos, test results, and a personal relationship with college coaches and recruiters can help put all eyes on any athlete.

Focus On Nutrition

An additional factor that is often overlooked is nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits. Fueling an athlete’s body is essential. A great way to think of this is “put good in, get good out”.

Consuming nutritionally depleted options as fuel for your body is like putting water in your gas tank. It won’t get you very far. Nutrient-dense wholesome foods will give your body & brain the calories it needs to have optimal performance. The same applies to your lifestyle and habits. The good things ALWAYS win.

In Conclusion

Every single athlete has room for growth. That includes people that may think they are at the top of their game. Reaching and unlocking their potential to level up as an athlete and decrease their risk of injury takes knowledgeable strategies only a qualified staff can provide.