Baseball FAQ2024-06-20T16:05:35-07:00




How old do you have to be?2024-06-14T13:48:59-07:00

FAST does not work with athletes younger than 9 years old.

Youth Academy programs are designed for players ages 9-12.  These sessions are shorter in length and have a greater focus on fundamentals and building athleticism.

FAST ADP Programs are for athletes ages 13 and up.  These sessions are longer in length, require attention to detail, and can be self-guided in nature.  ADP Programs are for serious athletes who are looking for long term development with a focus on mechanics, command, velocity and repeatability in their delivery.  Additionally, FAST ADP Programs include strength and conditioning sessions with FAST Performance coaches in our gym.

Are sessions private or small group?2024-06-14T13:43:56-07:00

FAST sessions are considered small group sessions.  Once an athlete has their program in TRAQ, they are expected to perform the drills outlined in that program for the day they are attending the facility.  Our coaching staff is on hand to watch, monitor and guide athletes through these workouts ensuring they are performing the drills correctly.

Once we get to bullpens and/or velocity programs, FAST coaches are there every step of the way, providing feedback and instruction.

FAST does offer private sessions on a limited basis but prefers to use these sessions as additional instruction for an athlete as opposed to a single one off session.

How much are your programs?2024-06-14T13:47:03-07:00

All our program costs are available here.

Do you do one off lessons?2024-06-14T13:45:50-07:00

No.  FAST Performance is a player development facility.  While we do offer 1-off sessions, we encourage every athlete to invest in a long term athletic development plan by committing to one of our 3 or 6 month programs.  This allows FAST coaches to better address any mechanical issues, design and develop pitches and work on command or velocity programs.

How do I book a session?2024-06-14T13:47:12-07:00

Visit our booking site goto Scheduling then Sessions.  Under Sessions, select the session type you want to book, select a day and time and complete your booking.

What kind of technology do you use?2024-06-14T13:44:23-07:00

Our facility owns and operates a Trackman B1 unit.  This state of the art pitch tracking technology allows FAST coaches to gain insight on metrics like velocity, spin rate, spin axis, spin efficiency, pitch movement profiles and more.

Additionally coaches will use OnForm for any video analysis of mechanics or pitch release.

One of the most used pieces of technology is our online training platform TRAQ.  With TRAQ coaches can program every step of an athletes training plan in easy to read and simple to understand steps with instructional videos attached to each exercise.  Athletes will be heavily reliant on knowing how to log and use their TRAQ profiles during all phases of development.

How customized is the program?2024-06-10T13:26:00-07:00

After your assessment, your FAST coach will build out your individualized throwing program on TRAQ.  This will include a player specific mobility warm up, mechanics specific arm care and plyocare routine and a player specific throwing program based on the mechanical analysis from the videos gathered.

With most athletes, FAST will begin with an on-ramping period in which athletes will get accustomed to the new drills and build proficiency performing those drills.  During the on-ramp, players will also build up throwing volume and intensity in order to prepare themselves for the next phase of development.

What does your evaluation cover?2024-06-14T13:47:23-07:00

Your first session is your evaluation and baseline testing session.  FAST coaches will take your athlete through a mobility screen to test for areas of immobility or instability.  The results of this test will be used to add a player specific mobility warm up to their routine. Next your athlete will perform their arm care routine in preparation to throw.  If they do not have one, coaches will take them through the FAST Arm Care program.  Your athlete will then throw a baseline bullpen on our facility Trackman unit.  From this coaches will gather data relating to velocity, spin rate, spin efficiency and ball movement profile.  In addition, coaches will take video of the athlete’s mechanics to use in our post session assessment and programming.

Can I try a session first?2024-06-14T13:46:03-07:00

Yes! You can purchase a single session credit on our booking site here by scrolling to the bottom of the main page.  If you decide that you want to enroll in a longer term program, FAST will provide you with a discount code to deduct the price of that session off your first months bill.

Can my membership be cancelled or paused?2024-06-14T13:47:51-07:00

All 3 and 6 month plans cannot be cancelled or paused without permission from FAST Management.  If there is an injury to an athlete in which they cannot continue training in their respective skill, FAST can pause or terminate memberships.  If the athlete chooses to undergo treatment with our in-house physical therapist, we can divert those funds as payment towards a treatment plan.


What kind of technology do you use?2024-06-14T13:47:41-07:00

Our facility owns and operates a Trackman B1 unit.  This state of the art ball tracking technology allows FAST coaches to gain insight on metrics like exit velocity and distance to provide feedback on all batted balls.

Additionally coaches will use OnForm for any video analysis of swing mechanics and allows us to scrub frame by frame giving athletes invaluable insight to their swing.


Do you do one off lessons?2024-06-14T13:43:26-07:00

No.  FAST Performance is a player development facility.  While we do offer 1-off sessions, we encourage every athlete to invest in a long term athletic development plan by committing to one of our 3 or 6 month programs.  This allows FAST coaches to better address any mechanical issues, swing flaws, train bat speed and work on contact.

How much are your programs?2024-06-14T13:46:47-07:00

All our program costs are available here.

How old do you have to be?2024-06-14T13:48:59-07:00

FAST does not work with athletes younger than 9 years old.

Youth Academy programs are designed for players ages 9-12.  These sessions are shorter in length and have a greater focus on fundamentals and building athleticism.

FAST ADP Programs are for athletes ages 13 and up.  These sessions are longer in length, require attention to detail, and can be self-guided in nature.  ADP Programs are for serious athletes who are looking for long term development with a focus on mechanics, command, velocity and repeatability in their delivery.  Additionally, FAST ADP Programs include strength and conditioning sessions with FAST Performance coaches in our gym.

Are sessions private or small group?2024-06-14T13:43:56-07:00

FAST sessions are considered small group sessions.  Once an athlete has their program in TRAQ, they are expected to perform the drills outlined in that program for the day they are attending the facility.  Our coaching staff is on hand to watch, monitor and guide athletes through these workouts ensuring they are performing the drills correctly.

Once we get to bullpens and/or velocity programs, FAST coaches are there every step of the way, providing feedback and instruction.

FAST does offer private sessions on a limited basis but prefers to use these sessions as additional instruction for an athlete as opposed to a single one off session.

How much are your programs?2024-06-14T13:47:03-07:00

All our program costs are available here.

How do I book a session?2024-06-14T13:47:12-07:00

Visit our booking site goto Scheduling then Sessions.  Under Sessions, select the session type you want to book, select a day and time and complete your booking.

Can I try a session first?2024-06-14T13:46:03-07:00

Yes! You can purchase a single session credit on our booking site here by scrolling to the bottom of the main page.  If you decide that you want to enroll in a longer term program, FAST will provide you with a discount code to deduct the price of that session off your first months bill.

Can my membership be cancelled or paused?2024-06-14T13:47:51-07:00

All 3 and 6 month plans cannot be cancelled or paused without permission from FAST Management.  If there is an injury to an athlete in which they cannot continue training in their respective skill, FAST can pause or terminate memberships.  If the athlete chooses to undergo treatment with our in-house physical therapist, we can divert those funds as payment towards a treatment plan.

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