High school sports have demanding schedules that require a ton of focus in gameplay. Each sport has an individual layout for team practices that revolve around a team structure that gets them ready for on-field performance.

Some examples are:

  • Baseball players work on fielding ground balls, glove work, throwing mechanics, etc.
  • Basketball players work on fundamentals in dribbling, passing, shooting skills, etc.

All sports have their in-game skills to master.

Sometimes these skills are extremely technical and take a heavy amount of isolation practice to get it right. Occasionally, it may last the whole practice.

One thing teams often don’t attack in their day-to-day practice routines is simply striving to become a better athlete.

Becoming better enhances all of those skills mentioned above.

It wouldn’t be uncommon for a smart coach in any high school program to look outside for help in this area. Having a good team training session that is weaved into any good practice will help players get better at:

  • Warm-up
  • Foot Speed
  • Change-of-Direction
  • Sprint, Strength, and Power Skills.

Fast Colorado has the team that can work with any coaching staff to help nudge players to maximize their athletic potential.

Most athletes won’t tap into their ability because sometimes they just aren’t being pushed. Learning what you’re capable of handling will not only make you a better athlete but will help you to potentially change your own pain threshold.

Getting even more out of yourself that you didn’t even know you had.

Team environment training sessions are great for athletes to also compete with one another.

Not only are you trying to make yourself a better athlete, but you’re also trying to make yourself a better competitor.

Fast Colorado offers on-site training or in their very own training facility where competitors can rise to the top.

If you’re in a high school program that hasn’t explored Performance Training at FAST, I recommend it for every level of athlete to get a good assessment on where each athlete can improve. From here, the FAST Performance staff will work with your coaching staff to develop long-term strategies that will take your team to the next level.

Contact Us for more information.